So my plan for how the day would go had to change a bit as we have the dentists in the morning, which was cool as we got to talk and got past all of the random conversations we usually have, which we could now skip later on.
After we did the usual and I called my granddad for his shopping list. We do his food shopping and then go to visit him. Mum usually does it, but sometimes me and Ariel go instead. We rushed around the shop and then we just sat in the car to eat our 'breakfast' ... which consisted of a chicken and mushroom slice (in a pastry and sauce for those who don’t know). I decided to tell her today, as when he go to Granddad’s we ALWAYS sit outside the supermarket and have our little meal, which is the perfect time. We chat about our lives and random stuff, and if it was a shock, she would not be driving; while also providing plenty of time to talk about it later on.
So I tried to talk to her, and just made a comment about how close we are and everything, and although she said it was random, she said she liked it too. But as we were in a rush, she soon took off and we didn’t eat in a parked car, which ruined my plan, but I was determined. Then she said that she likes the fact that I told her about my "Girlfriend" before anyone else, to which I responded "um ... yeah ... about that ... I haven’t been entirely honest about that". Note: the pauses were to stop me having a heart attack ha-ha.
But me and my sister got talking and I completely opened up to her. And turns out, she isn’t completely innocent herself. Long story short, he has done some stuff with a girl she fancies. But she doesn’t conceder herself to be bi, as it is just one girl and it had something missing. No pun intended. We even had a bit of a laugh at how I have been out for AGES (on my fb preferences) but no one has noticed.
So I am now out to a 1/4 of my family, and I can be completely honest with her, and to her. She even wants to meet Peter! She is so great <3 haha. And he likes the accent, lol. I've been in such a good mood all day.
~ Jack xxx
AWESOME!!!!!!!!! It does get easier, doesn't it?
Congratulations, Jack. I know how good you must feel.
Peace <3
That was wonderful Jack, it brought a smile to my face. It was interesting that the rest of the family thought you might be gay so it won't be a complete shock to them. See how it goes. I have CNN on right now as I am typing this and they are talking about how even the military is now pushing to end the DADT policy about gays in the military. Things are indeed looking up! bfn - Wayne :)(Is Peter out to his family?)
Haha, it does get easier, but not with fsmily. But it should be easier from now, as at least i have her there to help me through it :)
Thanks Wayne :) and i hope they do end the DADT. True about the thinking i am gay, and for te record i did tell blogger i thought they thought so! haha. Things are looking up :) And yes he is xx
lol I just love how that people think you gay but thought you would have done it by now
Well glad the coming out went well
Take Care
Really happy that it went ok for you Jack with her...and you will find how much less stress and pressure you have on your own shoulders... having her by your side if or when you tell others will make it seem so much better *hug*
Brilliant. Well done!
Hi there, Jack
Apologies for the delay in responding to this post - I've just got back from my weekend away (a day later than previously advertised, and further delayed by a late flight).
Anyway, congratulations! You've made a big step, and I'm really glad to hear it has gone so well. It sounds as if the rest of your family will be quite receptive as well.
Hmmm... Ariel - is this another Shakespeare reference?
Haha, no problem, i appreciate the comment in the first place, regardless of the delat lol.
Hope your trip went ok,even if it was delayed lol. But thank you and it does, so here's hoping...
Jack xx
P.S. no, Ariel is refering to the legend of the mermaid ... the original. I love that fairytale and she reminds me of my sister a lot.
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