So here is a little riddle for yall. Peter sent this to me WAY back when we first started dating and I’m STILL unable to decipher it. Can you? Lol.
So continuing on my theme of “out with the old and in with the new”: my dad and sister continued to paint the house and finished while I stayed home. I was too ill and the such. But I got in the redecorating spring cleaning mood and completely tidied my floor.
I know what yall are thinking.
But despite being such a small room, my floor is constantly messy and I hate it. But its just practicality. So I sorted it all out and found a place for it.
But back to my tale
He was my only friend, my companion, my first love, you could say, and although I will always have these memories to carry with me in my heart, they can never replace the real thing.
But you see, our friendship wasn’t just confined to the classroom: no. It was free and everywhere.
He only lived about 15 mins away from my house, but as a child, that was forever. And I had never walked there before, so I daren’t try it. But our mum’s were good friends by this point and were accepting of this lifestyle. It often resulted in, “hi Mum Jack/Matt’s here, is it ok to stay tonight?” “ok, have fun”. Ahh, the gold old days.
One weekend he took me to his dad’s for the weekend and I had so much fun. We stayed up all night talking and doing everything a 9 year old kid should! We watched Legged Freaks (a film I still love to this day, although I was too scared to sleep at the time) and drawing our favourite Pokémon and playing battle strategy games together. We played tether-pole for hours and watched TV on his dad’s flat screen.
Now this particular weekend was also Halloween, and boy did we get up to a lot! As tradition dictated, we had to get dressed up and go trick-or-treating. I went as my usual: Dracula. But this time I wanted to impress the strangers on the mystery lane. I even got a can of spray-on hair dye, so that my pale face would look realistic with black hair. But little did I know that I’m allergic to this ridiculous thing and came up in a rash where I sprayed it lol. Oh well, all in a day’s work.
I even remember the game we played, over and over and over again. Its become so embedded into my mind that its the foundation for three of my novels. But that’s a story for another time ...
Jack xx
So whatever became of your childhood friend? Did he move away or did you gradually drift apart as he went chasing after girls? You know that I don't pretend to be a young guy lol, and it seems to me that every ten years or so the rules of the game of life change on you, and you can be blindsided sometimes. Realizing your sexuality changes the game, losing your job, your partner is unfaithful, an unexpected heath problem/condition comes up, hell you might even land in jail for something you did't do. Then there is the curse of modern life when good friends suddenly move away; it leaves a grieving almost like someone died. I think the best attitude to have is to enjoy happiness when you get it but know that the joy of life is always a work in progress. Yeah, I suck at word puzzles too! bfn - Wayne :) (Gay Andy is on Tumblr and says he might be going to Wordpress)
Haha I agree, and as for what happened to my friend, you'll just have to wait and see. I dont want to rush this :)
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